
Riddle Story of Devil

The story is set at Myoujou Academy, a private girls' boarding school. The 10th year's Kurogumi class has 12 assassins with their sights on one target, Haru Ichinose. Tokaku Azuma is a recent transfer student who is also targeting Ichinose, but she gradually develops feelings for Ichinose.

(Source: Anime News Network)
Description (Spoil Text): The story is set at Myoujou Academy, a private girls' boarding school. The 10th year's Kurogumi class has 12 assassins with their sights on one target, Haru Ichinose. Tokaku Azuma is a recent transfer student who is also targeting Ichinose, but she gradually develops feelings for Ichinose.

(Source: Anime News Network)
Other Names: 悪魔のリ
Episodes: 12
First Release: 2014
Channel: TV
Studio: diomedéa
Genres: ActionDrama

Episode List

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