
One Week Friends

The story revolves around Yuki, a boy who wants to become friends with his classmate and desk neighbor Kaori. However, she gently declines his friendship, saying, “But, my... Memories of my friends disappear in a week...” Even so, Yuki wants to become her friend, and so the two become friends over and over again as the weeks pass.
Description (Spoil Text): The story revolves around Yuki, a boy who wants to become friends with his classmate and desk neighbor Kaori. However, she gently declines his friendship, saying, “But, my... Memories of my friends disappear in a week...” Even so, Yuki wants to become her friend, and so the two become friends over and over again as the weeks pass.
Other Names: 一週間フレン
Episodes: 12
First Release: 2014
Channel: TV
Studio: Brain's Base

Episode List

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