
Kyutai Panic Adventure!

"Orb Panic Adventure!" is a special crossover story featuring characters from One Piece, Dragon Ball and Astro Boy. It was created as part of many interactive crossovers screened at special events called Odaiba Boken-Oh to commemorate Fuji TV's 45th anniversary. It has yet to see a home release. In the following year it had a sequel called Kyutai Panic Adventure Returns!
Description (Spoil Text): "Orb Panic Adventure!" is a special crossover story featuring characters from One Piece, Dragon Ball and Astro Boy. It was created as part of many interactive crossovers screened at special events called Odaiba Boken-Oh to commemorate Fuji TV's 45th anniversary. It has yet to see a home release. In the following year it had a sequel called Kyutai Panic Adventure Returns!
Other Names: 球体パニックアドベンチャ
Episodes: 1
First Release: None
Channel: SPECIAL
Genres: Action

Episode List

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